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Berichten geplaatst door hermanenanja

  1. ?

    Dit is een leuk geintje dat je hersens kraakt. Je zult het zeker 50 keer of meer proberen,maar je zult zien dat je je rechtervoet niet te slim af kunt zijn.

    1.Als je achter je bureau zit of aan tafel, til je rechtervoet op van de vloer en draai rondjes naar rechts (met de klok mee)

    2. Blijf draaien en teken nu met je rechterhand een “6â€Âin de lucht.

    Je voet draait nu in de andere richting.

    Zie je !!! En er is niets wat je daar aan kunt doen !


    Tools you need:

    1. Firefox / IE

    2. Flashget

    3. FlashGot extension for flashget

    4. Proxyrama fixed version

    5. Download links

    PLEASE READ before you flame!

    PART I: Firefox / Flashget / FlashGot

    You must already have Flashget installed

    Step 1: Download and Install Firefox



    Step 2: Open Firefox and Install FlashGot



    Step 3: Download


    Go to a rapidshare or megaupload download link once the timer is done right click on it and choose FlashGot Link

    from the context menu

    Step 4: Configure Flashget


    If configured correctly Flashget will launch. Remember to choose only 1 split file for the download to work.

    Note: This works on RAPIDSHARE even without a premium account.

    PART II: Proxyrama

    Step 1: Install Proxyrama



    Fix : http://rapidshare.de/files/2487778/Proxyrama.rar.html


    Overwrite Proxyrama with the fix on install directory and automatic proxy searching should work again.

    Step 2: Using proxy (very important)


    Make sure to use fresh proxies the ones u get with proxyrama on the first 10 minutes are most likely to be used for rapishare already.

    Open Firefox -

    Change proxy to the selected proxy verified with Proxyrama

    Go to the download links and grab the link as described on PART I.

    As soon as you have the link on Flashget, change to another proxy and do the same steps until you have gathered all your links. You may have to add the proxies to flashget as well. Clear cookies if it helps.

    Note: If rapidshare wont allow the proxy simply try another one that is verified.

    Make sure not to delete the non anonymous proxies and gateways on Proxyrama

    .:. Say Goodbye to all poor attempts to cheat the rapid system

    You may download all you want, but with only 1 file split though.

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